Here’s my “Quick and Dirty Review” of “The Batman.”
Wow. Great story, beautiful visuals, and some of the most haunting and melodic scoring I've heard in a long time. You know those folks that say "why can't they make good comic book movies? One's where you care about the good guys and hate the bad guys and it all seems to actually matter and it's not just some dumb exercise in grandstanding morons punching each other for two hours?" Show them this movie. It's haunting and thoughtful and moving. There's the absolute bare minimum of "modern day" tropes and groupthink -- instead, you get a vigilante detective trying to solve an escalating series of gruesome and public murders.
Everyone is great in this: Kravitz, Paul Dano, Peter Sarsgaard, a completely unrecognizable Colin Ferrell and Turturro. Serkis as Alfred is haunted by his failure to protect Bruce Wayne's parents, while Jeffrey Wright's Lt. Gordon is apparently the only cop in town who's not on the payroll of some crime lord or syndicate. But my standout was Pattinson, formerly Mr. Shiny Vampire, who brings something new and vulnerable and a little unhinged to the Caped Crusader.
Everything here feels fresh and new: a grungy but logical bat cave, a saucy and completely realistic batmobile, the way the Batman uses fear and his ability to be anywhere as tools in an attempt to keep a lid on the bubbling, simmering cesspool that is Gotham City. 9 out of 10, in my Top 5 for 2022.